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Amazon, Inc. is an American multinational technology company which focuses on e-commerce, cloud computing, and much more. Headquartered in Seattle, Washington, it has been referred to as "one of the most influential economic and cultural forces in the world".

Promotion Overview

Who NominatesManager
Who ApprovesCommittee
FrequencyQuarterly for SDE 2 and SDE 3, per half for Principal SDE+
Promotion Rate

Promotion Stories

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Promotion Guide


You should be operating at 80%+ of the next level's guidelines to have a real case for your promotion.

You need to write a summary of your work for your promotion packet. The summary needs to include information about the following 5 core scopes of work:

  • Scope and influence
  • Ambiguity
  • Technical complexity
  • Execution
  • Impact

There is another section where you need to talk about how your work corresponds to Amazon's LPs; however, this section isn't as important as the others.

You need a minimum of 4 peer feedbacks to support your promotion case, but 6+ is recommended.

Documentation requirements

You should always be generating a large paper trail with every project you ship at Amazon. This saves you a lot of time putting together your promotion case as you don't need to write everything from scratch - You can simply compile everything you already have.

The documentation requirements at Amazon are pretty onerous:

  • SDE 1 -> SDE 2 promotion takes 5+ pages of documentation.
  • SDE 2 -> SDE 3 promotion takes 15+ pages of documentation (!!!).


You generally need a TT (Top Tier) or HV3 (High Value 3) rating to get promoted.

What Blocks Promotions?

  • SDE 1 -> SDE 2 promotions are generally held back because they're lacking in technical complexity.
  • SDE 2 -> SDE 3 promotions are generally held back because of lack of scope, influence, and impact.
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